If you have thin front tooth enamel, you may think it's no problem and skip the cosmetic dental treatments your dentist recommends you get, such as having your teeth bonded to make them thicker. But your thin tooth enamel can become a very big problem in the future, especially if you develop a weakened immune system. A weakened immune system leaves your lymph tissues and cells vulnerable to disease and infection if bacteria overwhelm your gums and saliva. Before you skip the cosmetic dental treatments, find out how your thin tooth enamel and the problems it causes affect your immune system.
Why Is Thin Tooth Enamel So Problematic?
There's a reason your dentist wants to thicken up your thin tooth enamel. Tooth enamel can't fight off bacteria and plaque, which are two of the main reasons for tooth decay and gum disease. In worse cases, tooth decay and gum disease can make you lose your teeth.
Weak tooth enamel leaves the blood vessels and nerves of your teeth and gums vulnerable to infection. If you experience discomfort from brushing your weak teeth, you may not spend the recommended time of two minutes to clean them properly.
In addition, food particles can pile up at the gumline and inflame it. If the bristles of your toothbrush can't pull food from around your gumline because your mouth is sore and inflamed, you face gum disease. Untreated gum disease leads to a host of health complications, including a weakened immune system.
What Happens If Your Immune System Is Too Weak?
Your body and mouth depend on your immune system to fight off infections. A compromised immune system won't produce enough white blood cells to perform this critical duty. Instead, the immune system stalls or weakens. If you develop gum disease because of your thin tooth enamel, you feel ill and tired. In most cases, your weakened immune system allows other problems, such as infected tonsils, to occur.
Your tonsils sit at the back of your throat. These two tiny lymph tissues filter and trap the bacteria, germs and dirt that enter your mouth and nose. When you have gum disease, bacteria can leave your mouth through your saliva and blood and travel to your tonsils. Your tonsils eventually swell up with infection because of the overload of bacteria they encounter.
Some of the problems associated with bacteria and your tonsils is peritonsillar abscesses. Although peritonsillar abscesses are not as common as other infections of the throat, they can form near or on the tonsils when bacteria infect them. The abscesses collect dead white blood cells, germs and other contaminants until they swell up and burst. The infection leaves the open abscesses and spread to other areas of your body through your blood, including your sinuses and ears.
Now, you experience sinus and ear infections, as well as gum disease and tonsillitis. Having your weak teeth bonded stops all of these problems from occurring in the first place.
How Does Bonding Improve Your Thin Teeth?
Bonding is a simple cosmetic treatment that protects and rebuilds damaged or compromised tooth enamel with a material called composite resin. Because of its reliability, composite resin works well in many other dental applications as well, including fillings.
One of the most unique things about bonding is its ability to increase the width and thickness of thin teeth instantly without removing your tooth enamel. Having stronger teeth gives you the chance to bite food properly, which helps your body and mouth obtain the nutrients they need to stay healthy and ward off infection.
In addition, if bacteria damaged your thin tooth enamel with cracks and decay, bonding can seal and cover the problems. The protective barrier makes your front teeth stronger and healthier after you have them bonded.
Now that you know why you should have your teeth bonded, it's time to get started. Contact a local clinic like South Florida Dental Arts and schedule your appointment today.