Pros & Cons Of Mini Dental Implants

Having missing teeth or dealing with dentures can be embarrassing for some people, so looking into the different types of dental implants is a pretty common thing. One type of dental implant you will come across in your search is the mini dental implant, which is a smaller type of implement that is meant to hold dentures or bridges securely in place. Here are the pros and cons of these implants: 

Pro: Mini dental implants will not take as long to heal as regular implants. 

One reason a lot of people like the idea of mini dental implants is the recovery time is minimal for most people who have a healthy mouth. The implant is small and the gum tissue does not have to be fully opened to access the bone for the implant to be placed; therefore, you should see a full recovery rather quickly. Traditional implants can take a little healing time, so many people take some time off of work for the procedure and make arrangements to allow themselves time to heal. 

Con: Mini dental implants will still require you to wear dentures. 

Mini dental implants are not designed to work with regular single prosthetic tooth caps. Instead, they are designed to snap into sections of teeth or a full denture arch. If you are looking to get rid of dentures altogether, mini dental implants may not be the best solution for you. 

Pro: The procedure does not involve a lot of pain. 

Because the bone and tissue are not manipulated as much with mini dental implants, these implants are not quite as painful as the larger versions. Most people do just fine with over-the-counter pain medication for a day or so after the mini implants are placed. With traditional dental implants, the pain levels can be a little higher and the dentist may prescribe you something for pain. 

Con: Mini dental implants may have to be replaced sooner than a traditional implant. 

When a traditional implant is placed, it is seated deep into the jaw bone. The bone then fuses with the implant, which makes the implant last a really long time. If you opt for mini dental implants instead, you have an implant that is secured but is not likely to fuse with the jaw bone like a typical implant. This means the new unit may have to be replaced eventually if it does work its way loose. 

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