Understanding The Materials And Process For Dental Implant Placement

Losing one or more permanent teeth is common, especially as people age. Dental implants with cosmetic crowns have become the recommended replacement device when someone has a tooth extracted, knocked out, or lost to decay. Someone interested in this option may want to learn about the procedure.

Relevant Statistics

By the age of 50, Americans on average lose 12 teeth. More than one-quarter of people age 65 to 74 no longer have any natural teeth.

People might be relatively unconcerned about losing one back molar, especially if the rest of their teeth are in good condition. However, when missing teeth cause cosmetic issues, resolving that problem feels important.


Dental implant rods most frequently are made of titanium. This metal is light, durable, and biocompatible with the human body. Metal-free ceramic rods also are available, providing the same advantages. Cosmetic crowns are crafted from ceramic or porcelain.

The rods permanently fuse with the jawbone. This is an entirely different way of replacement compared with bridges and dentures. Those devices sit on top of the gum and underlying bone structure. 

Making the Crowns

Dental technicians working in laboratories fashion the crowns to be an excellent match with the person's adjacent teeth. The material does not lose whiteness like natural enamel does. It doesn't matter whether the person drinks coffee every day and red wine regularly. Ceramic and porcelain are highly resistant to staining.

The Procedure

Usually, a dentist places the lower rod first and the upper abutment only after the rod has fused with the jawbone. That process, medically referred to as osseointegration, is essential for the implant to function as a natural root does. Placing the abutment and crown later is meant to help the patient avoid chewing there while osseointegration progresses. Chewing on the implant can disrupt the process before it has fully set.

Patients typically find the procedure easier than having teeth removed. Patients who feel anxious might request sedation beforehand, such as nitrous oxide gas or a mild oral sedative.


Some discomfort should be expected for a few days afterward, but it usually can be managed with over-the-counter medication. Gum tissue heals quickly, and the jawbone has few nerves to cause pain signals.

Concluding Thoughts

Once all the steps are complete, the dental patient has a rejuvenated smile along with new teeth that function like natural ones. Anyone who needs a tooth extracted or already has one or more missing may contact a dentist to learn more about dental crown implants.
