Recovering From Dental Implants

If you have opted for dental implants for you or your child, you may have many questions about the recovery time for this process. After all, having dental implants put in can feel like a major dental issue. In this guide, you will learn more about the recovery from dental implants and the ways you can improve the process. What Does a Dental Implant Procedure Include? One of the first steps involved in a dental implant procedure is the extraction of the current tooth.

Sorting Through The Sugar-Free: Is Gum OK For Your Teeth?

Sugary gum has long been a favorite of gum chewers and the bane of the dentist's office. Sugar-free gum is somewhat better, but research has been mixed about its effects on your teeth. Sugar-free gum that uses sugar alcohols like xylitol as a sweetener is now very popular. Yet with research showing both potential increases and decreases in cavity risk, is it time to wean yourself off gum chewing, or is that sugar-free gum OK?