
Dementia Patients & Dentures: Advice for Carers

Around 5 million Americans now have Alzheimer's disease, and many more people have other forms of dementia. Dementia can lead to many complications and side effects, which can gradually erode the patient's quality of life, and carers must take steps to avoid the problems that the disease can cause. Older dementia patients often wear dentures, so carers must take care to make sure their patients don't lose these critical dental appliances.

Bone Augmentation: What Is It And Why Should You Do It?

If you lost teeth years ago and want to replace them with dental implants now, you may wonder if you have enough bone tissue left in your jaws to get the procedure done. Although you have valid concerns, you shouldn't worry. Your dentist can rebuild your jawbones with bone augmentation. Bone augmentation involves several unique and advanced dental procedures that improve the width, height and stability of your jawbones. If you're ready to improve the functions of your mouth, facial appearance and overall health, keep reading.

Why Not Fixing Your Thin Front Tooth Enamel Isn't A Good Idea

If you have thin front tooth enamel, you may think it's no problem and skip the cosmetic dental treatments your dentist recommends you get, such as having your teeth bonded to make them thicker. But your thin tooth enamel can become a very big problem in the future, especially if you develop a weakened immune system. A weakened immune system leaves your lymph tissues and cells vulnerable to disease and infection if bacteria overwhelm your gums and saliva.

What Are The Best Tooth Replacement Options For Dementia Patients?

If you've been given a medical power of attorney from (or obtained medical guardianship of) a parent who is suffering from mild to moderate dementia, you likely want to be proactive in protecting your parent's dental health. Because dental health is linked so closely with physical health and even mental health, receiving regular checkups and treatments is of vital importance for those who are already dealing with some level of memory loss.

7 Ways To Help Your Child Avoid Cavities

Tooth decay is a pretty common health issue among children. In fact, 17.5 percent of individuals between the ages of 5 and 19 have untreated cavities, according to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. If dental cavities are left untreated, it can result in tooth loss. However, if you have your child follow a good oral hygiene routine and avoid bad habits, you can reduce his risk of cavities. Here are seven ways to help your child avoid cavities: