Should You Choose An Extraction Over A Root Canal?

If you've recently been informed you'll need a root canal to save your tooth, you may be tempted to simply have this tooth extracted -- particularly if you're dealing with a wisdom tooth or molar that won't be greatly missed. However, extracting a salvageable tooth can lead to long-term dental and health consequences. How can you determine whether an extraction or root canal is the right choice? Read on to learn more about the differing effects of these treatments to help you make the right decision for your situation.

Dental Crown Health: How Infections Happen And 5 Ways To Prevent Them

Dental crowns are caps that are placed over a compromised tooth in order to restore its shape, size, strength, appearance and overall condition. Once you get a crown fitted, you can expect it to last anywhere from 10 to 20 years, as long as the crown as properly installed and you have made a genuine effort to maintain your dental health. Unfortunately, dental crowns are still subject to cavities, fractures and infections.

2 Reasons You Should Ask Your Dentist About Cosmetic Bonding

All too often, people decide to put off dental repairs. Tight budgets, fear of dental drills, and busy schedules keep people away from dental offices—even though some issues are easy for dentists to fix. For example, advances in composite resin materials have made it possible for cosmetic dentists to completely rebuild and repair teeth in a single visit, saving patients everywhere time, money, and the embarrassment of living with an imperfect smile.

Primary Tooth Cavities - Why They Require Treatment

If you have a child, then you likely know that oral health is very important. This means visually inspecting your child's mouth often and helping him or her brush the teeth. You also need to make arrangements to see a dentist immediately once a cavity is noted in the mouth. Cavities are common: Around 42 percent of children from the age of 2 to 11 have at least one cavity within a primary tooth.

5 Benefits Of Laser Gum Treatments For Gum Disease

Although the vast majority of American citizens are quite diligent about brushing and flossing, one out of every two Americans suffers from some form of periodontal disease due to a lack of care that is applied to the gums. Mild gum disease can be corrected by proper care of the gums, but some of the more severe issues often times require surgery. and there are several procedures and methods which are at your disposal.